An elementary chain is a chain of models
such that for i ≤ j. (The chain could have transfinite length). The Tarski-Vaught Theorem on unions of elementary chains says that the union structure
is an elementary extension of Mj for each j.
The Tarski-Vaught theorem plays a key role in the proofs of the following facts:
Let N denote the limit structure. We prove by induction on the number of quantifiers in the prenex form of that for every i, and tuple a from Mi
The base case where is quantifier-free is easy. For the inductive step, suppose
has n quantifiers. Replacing
if necessary, we may assume that the outermost quantifier is existential. Then we can write
, where
has n - 1 quantifiers. Now suppose that
holds for some tuple a from some Mi. Then in Mi we can find some tuple b such that
By the inductive hypothesis,
and therefore
as desired.
Conversely, suppose that a is a tuple from some Mi such that
or equivalently
Take a tuple b from M such that
Since M is the union of the Mj, there is some j > i such that b is in Mj. By induction,
and in particular,
or equivalently
Because , we have
as well.
In conclusion,
completing the inductive step, as well as the proof. QED ::: ::: :::