A one-sorted infinite structure is said to be minimal if every definable subset is finite or cofinite. Here, "definable" means "definable with parameters." If this remains true in elementary extensions of
is called strongly minimal. A theory
is strongly minimal if every model is minimal, or equivalently, every model is strongly minimal.
More generally, an infinite definable set in a structure
is said to be minimal if for every definable set
, either
is finite. If this remains true in elementary extensions,
is said to be a strongly minimal set. In terms of Morley rank,
is strongly minimal exactly when
has Morley rank and degree 1.
The canonical examples of strongly minimal theories:
In each case, strong minimality follows from quantifier elimination results. For example, in ACF, any definable subset of the home sort must be a constructible subset of the affine line, hence a boolean combination of Zariski closed subsets of the affine line. But Zariski closed subsets of the affine line are either finite or everything.
The simplest example of a structure which is minimal, but not strongly minimal, is .
Lemma. If is a minimal structure, then the closure operator acl(-) on
satisfies the exchange principle: if
are singletons and
, and if
, then
Proof. By definition of , there must be some
such that
holds and
is finite, of size
. Let
be the
, the formula which says that
holds and
. Then
holds, and
has size at most
for each
If is finite, then
, and we are done. Otherwise,
is cofinite. Let
. Let
-definable, and contains
. If
is finite, then
, contradicting the hypotheses. So
is infinite. Let
be distinct elements of
. Then
has size
for each
. So
has size at most
, and in particular, is finite. This ensures that
is non-empty. If
, however, then
, contradicting the fact that
has size at most
for every
Since is always finitary closure operator, it follows that on minimal structures (and more generally, minimal sets),
is the closure operator of some pre-geometry.
For ACF, this recovers the algebraic independence pregeometry. For the theory of -vector spaces, this recovers the pregeometry of linear independence in an infinite dimensional
-vector space. For the theory of equality, this recovers the trivial pregeometry in which every set is closed.
The (false) Zilber Trichotomy Conjecture said (among other things) that these were essentially the only possible geometries for a strongly minimal set. Namely, if was a strongly minimal set, then the associated geometry had to be either
Hrushovski found counterexamples to the Zilber Trichotomy Conjecture. However, there are a number of settings in which the Zilber trichotomy conjecture is known to hold. For example, it holds of the strongly minimal sets occurring in DCF and CCM. Moreover, it is known to hold in a totally categorical setting. In fact, if is
-categorical, then the associated geometry must either be trivial, or must be the geometry associated to some finite field.
Assume is strongly minimal. If
is a set of parameters, then the operation
yields a pregeometry on
. A finite set
is independent (over
) if
for each
. The rank of a finite tuple
can be defined to be the size of a maximal independent subset of
. The rank of a
-definable set
is defined to be the maximum of
. It turns out that
does not depend on the choice of defining parameters
In the case of ACF, is the transcendence degree of
, and
is the dimension of
This notion of rank agrees with Lascar rank and Morley rank, and has many intuitive properties that one expects of dimension. Some of these are listed below:
Strongly minimal (complete, countable) theories are always uncountably categorical. This happens for essentially the same reason that ACF is uncountably categorical. If is a strongly minimal theory, then it can be shown that a model
is determined up to isomorphism by the cardinality of a basis of the associated pregeometry.
In more detail, here is a proof:
Proof. Let be a monster model of
. If
is any subset of
, let
be the type over
asserting that
is not in any finite
-definable sets, i.e., that
is not algebraic over
. Then
is consistent (because in an elementary extension of
, all the new elements will not be algebraic over
). Also,
is a complete type over
. Indeed, if
is a
-definable set, then either
is finite or cofinite. In the first case,
is in
, and in the second case,
is in
If , then
, because if an element in an elementary extension of
were not algebraic over
, it would certainly not be algebraic over the smaller set
. Consequently, the union of the
’s, as
ranges over all sets, is
, and
for each
. Let
. The type
is a global type, invariant under
. From generalities on global invariant types, it follows that if
are two sequences such that
for each
, then
have the same type over the empty set. Equivalently, the map sending
is a partial elementary map.
But the condition that for each
just means that
for each
, or equivalently, that the set
is independent.
So if and
are two finite independent sets and
is a bijection from
, then
is a partial elementary map. More generally, if
are two independent sets of arbitrary size, and
is any bijection from
, then
is a partial elementary map. (It suffices to check that
is a partial elementary map on finite subsets
Now suppose and
are two models of the same uncountable cardinality. We may assume that
sit inside
. Let
be a maximal independent subset of
, and let
be a maximal independent subset of
. Then
. Since
is countable,
and similarly for
. Since
is uncountable,
, and similarly,
. Finally, since
have the same cardinality,
. Let
be a bijection from
. Then
is a partial elementary map, so it can be extended to an automorphism
. Then
gives an isomorphism between
The converse is far from true. However, some variant of it is still true:
Fact. Suppose is a countable theory which is
-categorical for some uncountable cardinal
. Then any model
contains a strongly minimal set
, with
constructible over
. The model
is determined up to isomorphism by the size of a pregeometry basis in
. Moreover, if
are two strongly minimal sets definable in
, the underlying geometries of
are the same.
This fact is a key step in the proof of Morley's Theorem and the Baldwin-Lachlan theorem. ::: ::: :::