The Compactness Theorem states that if T is a collection of first-order statements and every finite subset of T is consistent, then T is itself consistent. A set of statements is consistent if it has a model.
By abuse of terminology, the following related fact is also frequently referred to as "compactness." Let M be a -saturated model,
be a definable set, and
be a collection of definable subsets of
, with
of size less than
. If
covers D, then some finite subset of
covers D. This fact follows from the definition of
-saturation. Compactness is used to prove the existence of
-saturated models, however.
The compactness theorem has a number of commonly-used corollaries. These corollaries are often used implicitly in proofs, and explained only as "compactness."
Lemma: Let M be a model, and be a consistent partial type over M. Then there is an elementary extension
in which
is realized.
Proof: Apply the Compactness Theorem to the union of the elementary diagram of M and the statements , where
is a new constant symbol. QED
Lemma: Let T be a theory. Let be a formula, and let
be a collection of formulas. Suppose that in every model M of T, we have
Then there is a finite subset such that in every model M of T,
Proof: Apply compactness to the union of T and the statements
where is a new constant symbol. By assumption, this collection of statements is inconsistent, so by compactness, some finite subset is inconsistent. This yields
Lemma: Let T be a theory, and be a formula. Suppose that in every model M of T, the set
is finite. Then there is a number n such that
for every model M.
Proof: Apply compactness to the union of T and the set of sentences asserting for each n that at least n elements of the model satisfy
. By assumption, this is inconsistent. Consequently, there is some n such that
is inconsistent with T. This means exactly that
in every model of T. QED
The analogous statement in saturated models is the following: Lemma: Let M be a -saturated model. Suppose that
is a formula such that for every
, the set
is finite. Then there is a uniform bound n on the size of
Other important and prototypical applications of compactness include the following:
Let S denote the space of all complete theories (in some fixed first-order language). For each sentence , let
There is a natural topology on S in which the sets of the form are the basic open (and basic closed) subsets. The compactness theorem says exactly that S is compact with this topology.
Compactness follows easily from some forms of Gödel's Completeness Theorem. Specifically, a theory is inconsistent if and only if
holds in all models of
. By the Completeness Theorem, this holds if and only if
can be proven from
. But proofs are finitary, so any proof must take only finitely many steps, and must use only a finite subset of
. In particular, if
, then so does some finite subset
. So if
is inconsistent, so is a finite subset.
Compactness can alternatively be proven from Łoś's Theorem.
Proof: Let T be a collection of statements, with every finite subset of T being consistent. Let X be the set of all finite of T. For each finite subset , let
Note that and that
for any S. It follows that any finite intersection of
's is non-empty. Therefore we can find an ultrafilter
on X such that
for every S. In other words, for each S,
thinks that "most" elements of X contain S.
For each finite subset S of T, we can find a model of S, by assumption. Consider the ultraproduct
We claim that M is the desired model of T. Let be a formula in T. Then
for every , or equivalently, for every
. But
Consequently, the set of S such that is "large" with respect to the ultrafilter
. By Łoś's Theorem,
holds in the ultraproduct M. QED ::: ::: :::