A universal formula is a formula {\displaystyle \phi (x)} of the form

{\displaystyle \forall y:\psi (x;y)}

with {\displaystyle \psi (x;y)} quantifier-free. (Here, x and y are tuples).

A universal theory is a theory consisting of universal sentences. Give a structure M, the universal theory of M denotes the set of all universal sentences true in M. More generally, if C is a class of structures in some language, then the universal theory of C is the set of all universal sentences true in all structures in C.

If T is a theory, T denotes the set of all universal sentences implied by T. If T is the elementary theory of a class of structures C, then T is the universal theory of C.

Similarly, an existential formula is a formula {\displaystyle \phi (x)} of the form

{\displaystyle \exists y:\psi (x;y)}

with {\displaystyle \psi (x;y)} quantifier-free. One could also define the notion of "existential theory" but this turns out to not be particularly useful.

Important Facts[]

On the level of formulas, worthwhile things to know are:

{\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)\implies N\models \phi (a)}

{\displaystyle N\models \phi (a)\implies M\models \phi (a)}

{\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)\implies N\models \phi (a)}

THEN {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is equivalent mod T to an existential formula. That is, there is an existential formula {\displaystyle \phi '(x)} such that

{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x:\phi (x)\leftrightarrow \phi '(x)}

These last two points play a key role in the proof that the different characterizations of model completeness are equivalent.


The negation {\displaystyle \neg \forall y:\psi (x;y)} of a universal formula is equivalent by De Morgan's laws to the existential formula {\displaystyle \exists y:\neg \psi (x;y)}. Similarly, the negation of an existential formula is equivalent to a universal formula.

Existential formulas are closed under positive boolean combinations because of the equivalences

{\displaystyle \left(\exists y:\phi (x;y)\right)\wedge \left(\exists z:\psi (x;z)\right)\iff \exists y\exists z:\phi (x;y)\wedge \psi (x;z)}

{\displaystyle \left(\exists y:\phi (x;y)\right)\vee \left(\exists z:\psi (x;z)\right)\iff \exists y\exists z:\phi (x;y)\vee \psi (x;z)}

By De Morgan's laws, the same holds for universal formulas.

Lemma 1: Existential statements are preserved upwards in inclusions: if MN, a is a tuple from M, {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is existential, and {\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)}, then {\displaystyle N\models \phi (a)}. Similarly, universal statements are preserved downwards.

Proof: Write {\displaystyle \phi (x)} as {\displaystyle \exists y:\psi (x;y)}. Since {\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)}, we have {\displaystyle M\models \psi (a;b)} for some tuple b from M. As {\displaystyle \psi (x;y)} is quantifier-free, {\displaystyle \psi (a;b)} has the same truth value in M as in N. (The ambient model only affects the interpretation of quantifiers.) Therefore, {\displaystyle N\models \psi (a;b)} holds, so

{\displaystyle N\models \exists y:\psi (a;y)},

i.e., {\displaystyle N\models \phi (a)}. So existential formulas are preserved upwards in inclusions.

Meanwhile, if {\displaystyle \chi (x)} is a universal formula, then {\displaystyle \neg \chi (x)} is an existential formula. Since {\displaystyle \neg \chi } is preserved upwards, {\displaystyle \chi } is preserved downwards (this is the contrapositive). QED.

In particular, if MN and M satisfies some existential sentence, then so does N. And if N satisfies some universal sentence, then so does M. Therefore we have:

Corollary 2: If T is a universal theory, then any substructure of a model of T is a model of T.

Lemma 3: Let T be a theory, and suppose M is a model of T. Then M embeds into a model of T.

Proof: Let L be the language of T. Let {\displaystyle T'} be the L(M)-theory consisting of the union of T with the diagram of M. If {\displaystyle T'} is consistent, it has a model N. Then N is a model of the diagram of M, so M is a substructure of N. Also, N is a model of T. So we are done.

Suppose therefore that {\displaystyle T'} is not consistent. By compactness, some finite subset of {\displaystyle T'} is inconsistent. The part of this finite subset coming from the diagram of M can be expressed by a single statement of the form {\displaystyle \chi (a)}, where a is a tuple from M, {\displaystyle \chi (x)} is a quantifier-free L-formula, and {\displaystyle M\models \chi (a)}.

Then we are saying that {\displaystyle T\cup \{\chi (a)\}} is inconsistent. By the Lemma on Constants,

{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x:\neg \chi (x)}

In particular, {\displaystyle \forall x:\neg \chi (x)} is part of T. Therefore it must hold in M, by assumption. But

{\displaystyle M\models \forall x:\neg \chi (x)} implies {\displaystyle M\models \neg \chi (a)}

contradicting the fact that {\displaystyle M\models \chi (a)}. QED.

Corollary 4: Suppose T is a theory with the property that every substructure of a model of T is itself a model of T. Then T is equivalent to a universal theory. In fact, T is equivalent to T.

Proof: Indeed, any model of T embeds into a model of T (namely, itself), and so is a model of T. Conversely, if M is a model of T, then M embeds into a model N of T. But then M is a substructure of a model of T, so by assumption, M is itself a model of T. Therefore, models of T are the same thing as models of T. QED.

We have proven all the claims above except

Theorem 5: Let T be a theory (possibly the empty theory). Let {\displaystyle \phi (x)} be a formula. Suppose that {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is preserved upwards in models of T, i.e., if MN is an inclusion of models of T, and a is a tuple from M, then

{\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)\implies N\models \phi (a)}

Then there is an existential formula {\displaystyle \phi '(x)} which is equivalent to {\displaystyle \phi (x)} mod T. Similarly, any formula which is preserved downwards in inclusions of models of T is equivalent to a universal formula.


First we show that whenever {\displaystyle \phi (x)} holds, it holds because of an existential formula.

Claim: If M is a model of T and {\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)} for some a, then there is an existential formula {\displaystyle \psi (x)} such that

{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x:\psi (x)\rightarrow \phi (x)}, i.e., {\displaystyle \psi } implies {\displaystyle \phi } mod T


{\displaystyle M\models \psi (a)}.

Proof: Let {\displaystyle T'} consist of the the union of T, the diagram of M, and the statement {\displaystyle \neg \phi (a)}. If {\displaystyle T'} has a model N, then N is a model of T extending M, in which {\displaystyle \neg \phi (a)} holds. This contradicts the hypothesis that {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is preserved upwards in inclusions of models of T.

Therefore {\displaystyle T'} is inconsistent. By compactness, this inconsistency must be witnessed by a finite part of the diagram of M. Therefore, there is some quantifier-free formula {\displaystyle \chi (x,y)} and some b in M such that {\displaystyle M\models \chi (a,b)} and

{\displaystyle T\cup \{\neg \phi (a)\}\cup \{\chi (a,b)\}}

is inconsistent. By the Lemma on constants,

{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x,y:\chi (x,y)\rightarrow \phi (x)}


{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x:(\exists y:\chi (x;y))\rightarrow \phi (x)}

Now let {\displaystyle \psi (x)} be the formula {\displaystyle \exists y:\chi (x;y)}. This is an existential formula, and it implies {\displaystyle \phi (x)}, mod T. Also, {\displaystyle M\models \psi (a)}, by taking y = c. So we have proven the claim. QEDclaim.

Now let {\displaystyle \Psi (x)} be the set of all formulas {\displaystyle \neg \psi (x)}, where {\displaystyle \psi (x)} is existential and implies {\displaystyle \phi (x)}.

Consider the theory

{\displaystyle T''=T\cup \{\phi (a)\}\cup \Psi (a)}

where a is a new constant. Suppose {\displaystyle T''} has a model M, and let a be the interpretation of the symbol a in M. Then M is a model of T, and

{\displaystyle M\models \phi (a)}.

By the claim, {\displaystyle \phi (a)} must hold because of some existential formula: there must be an existential formula {\displaystyle \psi (x)} which implies {\displaystyle \phi (x)}, with {\displaystyle \psi (a)} holding in M. But then {\displaystyle \neg \psi (x)} is one of the formulas in {\displaystyle \Psi (x)}. Since {\displaystyle M\models T\supset \Psi (a)}, we have {\displaystyle M\models \neg \psi (a)}, contradicting the fact that {\displaystyle \psi (a)} holds in M.

In other words, the Claim means exactly that {\displaystyle T''} is inconsistent. Now by compactness, some finite subset of {\displaystyle T''} is inconsistent. Therefore we can find finitely many existential formulas {\displaystyle \psi _{1}(x),\ldots ,\psi _{n}(x)}, each implying {\displaystyle \phi (x)}, such that

{\displaystyle T\cup \{\phi (a),\neg \psi _{1}(a),\ldots ,\neg \psi _{n}(a)\}}

is inconsistent. By the Lemma on Constants, this means that

{\displaystyle T\vdash \forall x:\phi (x)\rightarrow \bigvee _{i=1}^{n}\psi _{i}(x)}

So, mod T, {\displaystyle \phi (x)} implies the formula {\displaystyle \bigvee _{i=1}^{n}\psi _{i}(x)}. Conversely, since each {\displaystyle \psi _{i}(x)} implies {\displaystyle \phi (x)}, so does their disjunction {\displaystyle \bigvee _{i=1}^{n}\psi _{i}(x)}. Therefore,

{\displaystyle \phi (x)} is equivalent to {\displaystyle \bigvee _{i=1}^{n}\psi _{i}(x)}, mod T.

But {\displaystyle \bigvee _{i=1}^{n}\psi _{i}(x)} is a disjunction of existential formulas, so it is itself an existential formula. Thus {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is equivalent to an existential formula. This completes the proof of the first claim of the Theorem.

For the other, suppose that {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is a formula which is preserved downwards in inclusions of models of T. Then, contrapositively, {\displaystyle \neg \phi (x)} is preserved upwards. So, by what we have shown, {\displaystyle \neg \phi (x)} is equivalent to an existential formula. Then {\displaystyle \phi (x)} is equivalent to the negation of an existential formula, i.e., to a universal formula. QED. ::: ::: :::