A (pure) field is Hilbertian if there is some elementary extension
and an element
such that
is relatively algebraically closed in
. (Note that
must be transcendental over
Usually Hilbertianity is phrased as saying that some analog of Hilbert's irreducibility theorem holds. One version of this says that can't be covered by a finite union of sets of the form
is a variety over
is a
-definable morphism of varieties, and where either
is a dominant rational map of degree greater than 1.
Global fields are Hilbertian, as are function fields over arbitrary fields. In Fried and Jarden's book on Field Arithmetic, there is a theorem to the effect that any field having a suitable product formula is Hilbertian. Hilbertian fields play an important role in field arithmetic. There is some theorem, for example, which says that if is a countable (perfect?) Hilbertian field, and
is a random automorphism of
, then the fixed field of
will be pseudo-finite for all
in a set of Haar measure 1.
Hilbertian fields form an elementary class. (right?) ::: ::: :::