If M ⊆ N is an inclusion of structures, we say that N is an elementary extension of M, or M is an elementary substructure of N, denoted , if for every formula
and every tuple
in M, we have
In other words, if b satisfies in one of M and N, then it must satisfy it in the other.
Specializing to the case where x is a tuple of length 0, we recover elementary equivalence: if N is an elementary extension of M then M ≡ N. However, is a strictly stronger condition than
The elementary inclusion relation is transitive: if , then
The rationals are not an elementary substructure of the reals (as rings): . For example, if
is the formula asserting that x is a square:
because 2 is a square in the reals, but not the rationals.
It is possible for M ⊆ N and M ≡ N to hold without N being an elementary extension of M. For example, let N be the natural numbers {0,1,2,...} with the structure of an ordered set. Let M be the subset {1,2,3,...}. Then M is a substructure of N and M is elementarily equivalent to N (because M and N are isomorphic). However, . Indeed, if
is the formula
then holds in N, but not M, because 1 is not the least element in N, but it is the least element in M.
If M ⊆ N, and b is a tuple from M, and is a quantifier-free formula, then
is automatic. Consequently, if T is a theory with quantifier elimination, then any inclusion of models is an elementary inclusion. Indeed, if M ⊆ N, is an arbitrary formula, then we can find an equivalent quantifier-free formula
. Then for a tuple b from M,
More generally, if T is model complete, then any inclusion of models of T is an elementary inclusion. In fact, this is one way of characterizing model completeness.
From this, one gets many examples of elementary extensions:
Theorem: Let M be a structure, and S be a subset of M. Then S is an elementary substructure of M if and only if the following property holds: for every formula and every tuple b ∈ S, if
is non-empty, then it intersects S. In other words, every non-empty subset of M definable over S intersects S. (This is called the Tarski-Vaught Criterion.)
Proof: First suppose that S is an elementary substructure of M. Let be a formula. Suppose that
is non-empty. Then
In particular, b satisfies the formula . Because
, we conclude that
Therefore there is some a in S such that
Again, because , we conclude
Therefore , so
intersects S.
Conversely, suppose the Tarski-Vaught criterion holds. We prove by induction on n that if is a formula in prenex form with n quantifiers, then
which is exactly the condition necessary for to hold. Since every formula can be written in prenex form, this will suffice.
The base case where n = 0 is the case where is quantifier-free. In this case, it is automatically true that
, without any assumptions on S or M.
For the inductive step, write as
for some formula
with one fewer quantifier. The existential and universal case are related by negation, so it suffices to consider the existential case. The inductive hypothesis says that if a and b are tuples from S, then
Let a be a tuple from S, we want to show that
Suppose the right hand side holds. Then there is b in S such that
By the inductive hypothesis
and therefore
So the right hand side of (*) implies the left hand side.
Conversely, suppose that . Then
is non-empty, so it intersects S; let b be some point of intersection. Thus
and b is in S. By the inductive hypothesis,
and therefore
So the two sides of (*) are equivalent. QED.
An elementary chain is a chain of models
such that for i ≤ j. (The chain could have transfinite length). The Tarski-Vaught Theorem on unions of elementary chains says that the union structure
is an elementary extension of Mj for each j.
An elementary embedding is an injective map f: M -> N which induces an isomorphism between M and an elementary substructure of N. For example, any inclusion of an elementary substructure into an elementary extension is an elementary embedding.
The Elementary Amalgamation Theorem says that if f1: M -> N1 and f2: M -> N2 are two elementary embeddings, then there is a structure N3 and elementary embeddings g1 : N1 -> N3 and g2 : N2 -> N3 such that everything commutes:
In other words, if M can be elementarily embedded into two structures N1 and N2, then there is an elementary extension of M into which both N1 and N2 can be embedded over M.
This theorem can be proven by extending tp(N1/M) to N2 and realizing the resulting type in an elementary extension of N2. ::: ::: :::